
WUDAPT: Facilitating advanced urban canopy modeling for weather, climate and air quality applications


Environmental issues and impacts to society will be exacerbated with increased population, diminishing resources and the prospects for extreme weather events and climate changes. Current community-based models available for weather, climate and air quaity applications are powerful state-of-science modeling systems, which, with careful considerations, can be employed to address the impact of these issues fo urban areas. Given the complex and high degree of spatial inhomogeneity of the underlying surface area we will review mesh size, appropriate multi-scale science and morphological descriptions and their data requirements including unique city specific gridded morphology and material composition for their forecasting and climate applications. For this presentation, we discuss, describe and show examples from an ongoing but preliminary prototypic collaborative effort, whose design bases is to provide the experience and recommendations toward extending the scope of the National Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (NUDAPT) to worldwide coverage (WUDAPT). WUDAPT would thus provide requisite gridded data for urban applications of advanced forecast and climate models throughout the world. Strategically, the prototypic efforts will be designed to provide proven protocols for the facilitaton of the data gathering and processing based on available remote sensing and ground-based sampling. Tactically, we employ an iterative approach first obtaining coarse gridded Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification derived from available Web-based products such as Google-Earth, and Landsat satellite magery. Further sub-class discretization of LCZs and the application of GeoWiki technology facilitates further refinements and ground truthing to yield the desired gridded building morphological distribution parameters and their material composition. Local experts would be encouraged to become involved to ensure factors unique to their area in the world would be incorporated. Finally, given that model applications may require data with different grid resolution we present an outline that employs the new and powerful Multiple Resolution Analyses scheme that can address this need within the scope of WUDAPT

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