
A Perspective Paper on Forestry Carbon Sequestration as a Response to Climate Change


I find myself in broad agreement with Brent Sohngen's analysis of costs and benefits associated with the climate change mitigation options offered by forest carbon sequestration, which includes afforestation, reductions in deforestation (REDD) and forest management. In this paper, I intend to summarize the assessment paper's approach and conclusions, highlight the most important findings, identify gaps and their implications for the calculations and thus put the results into perspective. The areas dealt with concern competition for land and its potential impact of opportunity costs, the role of various types of uncertainty and their implications for implementing forestry carbon sequestration programs, the effect of accounting for ecosystems services and biodiversity on benefit assessments, and the relevance of option values in considering REDD strategies. The conclusion drawn from the analysis coincides with the findings of Sohngen, who claims that forest carbon will be needed as part of a strategy to mitigate climate change. Solutions can thus not arise exclusively from the technosphere, especially in the face of time and other resource constraints

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