
Silviculture Methods in Polish Forests Affected by Industrial Pollutants


Data presented by the Headquarters of the State Forests in Poland indicate that about 645,000 ha were threatened by industrial emissions in the mid-1980s. The authors have carried out a complementary study and have come to the conclusion that about 2.8 million ha were threatened in 1988. Due to the future emissions the area under threat is estimated to increase to about 4.2 million ha in the year 2000. This rapid development of decline requires a changed silvicultural management. Guidelines for the changed management of the following order of stands threatened by air pollutants are discussed: (a) stands characterized as being "in the regeneration class"; (b) clear-cut stands; (c) second-order clear-cut stands; (d) seedlings and thickets; (e) stands of medium age classes; and (f) stands with a share of deciduous species exceeding 20%

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