
A Nonlinear Dynamic Interactive Decision Analysis and Support System (DIDASS/N)


The Interactive Decision Analysis group at IIASA has developed a decision analysis and support system, called "DIDASS". Based on the Reference Point Approach for multicriteria analysis, it is an attempt to combine the analytical power of the "hard" computer model with the qualitative assessments of the decision maker. In general, DIDASS is capable of dealing with both linear and nonlinear problems. Theoretical and practical tests for solving nonlinear problems of regional water policies in open-pit mining areas have elucidated the need for an especially designed nonlinear DIDASS version. Following the presentation of the extended nonlinear version, DIDASS/N is described. DIDASS/N has been developed in collaboration between the Interactive Decision Analysis Group and the Regional Water Policies Project at IIASA. DIDASS/N has been written in FORTRAN 77. The use of operating-system-dependent statements or commands has been avoided

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