
Residential Energy Use Model for Austria (REUMA)


The residential energy use model is a computer simulation model, which calculates the annual end use energy demand for the residential sector. Any simulation period up to 50 years can be chosen. The model is structured around the housing stock and its components of change, which are annual construction, demolition and retrofitting. The model is linked to a population model which provides, as a major driving function, the number of households for each simulation year. Energy use for space and water heating is calculated for seven energy types by using parameters such as floorspace, heat loss, heating hours, hot water demand and appliance efficiency. Energy demand from fourteen other appliances is calculated from the fraction of households owning each appliance and the average energy use per appliance. The housing stock is broken down into twelve home types and the parameters mentioned above reflect the characteristics of each home type. Census data are used as an initial reference point. Alternative scenarios can be created with differing assumptions concerning future technological, economic, environmental and life-style changes so that a variety of alternative futures may be analysed

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