
Mathematical Modeling of Phosphorus Transformation in the Lake Balaton Ecosystem


An ecological model of the phosphorus system is described. This model includes five phosphorus forms found in water, namely: phytoplankton-P, bacterial-P, dissolved inorganic-P, dissolved organic-P and nonliving particulate-P, and also three phosphorus forms in interstitial water: inorganic, organic and particulate phosphorus fractions. It is assumed that this model will be used as a tool for synthesizing and analyzing the phenomena of eutrophication in Lake Balaton's ecosystem. The purpose of this study was to obtain the best calibration between existing observation data on Lake Balaton from 1977 and model output. This is considered one of the important steps that must be carried out before application of the model for prediction and management purposes. A hypothesis of three seasonal phytoplankton groups yielded model output that agreed reasonably well with the observation data for total-P, dissolved-P, dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorus, particulate organic-P and phytoplankton chlorophyll "a" in the water of the different basins in Lake Balaton. This provides indirect evidence that the model considered, is a reasonable representation of complex ecological processes in phosphorus transformations and phytoplankton dynamics in the lake. On the basis of simulation results for 1977, the phosphorus material flows and the turnover times of phosphorus fractions in the lake are evaluated. These data provide additional insights for understanding the conditions of phosphorus cycling and the eutrophic state of the basins within Lake Balaton

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