An Empirical Research on Factors Influencing Purchase Intention of Mobile Shopping


基于沉浸体验理论,本文结合感知价值理 论、创新扩散理论来构建智能手机用户的购 买意愿影响因素模型。本研究旨在理解沉浸 体验对中国的移动购物意愿的影响。应用李 克特5度量表,本文对430位调查对象进行实 证研究来研究此问题。通过运用SPSS 22.0和 AMOS 21.0统计分析软件,对影响因素进行 编码和描述性分析,最终建立结构性方程模 型。结果显示,沉浸体验对移动购物的购买 意愿有显著的正向影响。同时,消费者创新 理论通过正向影响沉浸体验来间接影响消费 者的购物意愿。最后,本研究也表明感知价 值对移动购物有显著的影响。 Based on the theory of Flow experience, this thesis combines the theory of perceived value with the theory of customer innovation, and constructs the influencing factor model of Smartphone users’ purchase intention. The paper aims to understand the impact of Flow experience in the intention mobile shopping in China. To address this, an empirical study with 430 subjects was carried out. It collected the data by questionnaire with 5-point Likert scale, and used SPSS.22.0 and AMOS.21 to encode and analysis the data by the method of factor analysis, descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The results indicate that flow experience has a significant positive effect on the purchase intention of mobile shopping, and customer innovation has a direct effect on flow experience which in turn purchase intention. Furthermore, this study also reveals that perceived value influence mobile shopping deepl

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