Zu unbeachteten Quellen und zur Kapitelzählung der Regula Donati (Ergänzendes zu CSEL 98). Wiener Studien|Wiener Studien 128 128|


Summary – In the 7th century, Donatus, bishop of Besan on, wrote a rule for nuns based on the Regula Benedicti, the Regula Caesarii ad virgines and the Regulae Columbani. This article discusses previously unnoticed allusions to late antique authors in Donatus’ openingletter, which shed light on Donatus’ erudition and his skilful use of prefatory-topoi for his captatio benevolentiae. The second part of this article deals with the lost index of contents and the manifold problems concerning the number of Capitula of Donatus’ Regula

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