
Suitable stocking density of tilapia in an aquaponic system


An aquaponic system was studied through the integrated culture of mono-sex GIFT and two types of vegetables viz. morning glory, Ipomoea reptans and taro, Colocasia esculenta in a recirculating system for 15 weeks. Tilapia fry of uniform size of 0.76 g were released in three treatments (stocking densities): 106 fish/m³ (T1), 142 fish/m³ (T2) and 177 fish/m³ (T3) to assess the effect of stocking density on the growth performance of fish. Fish were fed with a commercial feed containing 25% protein. Weight gain (g) of tilapia ranged from 19.41 to 32.67 g and was inversely related with stocking density. Percent weight gain varied between 2553.99 and 4298.68% and was significantly different among the treatments. SGR ranged from 3.09 to 3.59% per day and varied significantly. FCR varied from 2.19 to 2.69 and had a positive correlation with stocking density. The highest survival rate (%) was achieved in T1 (99%) followed by T2 (98%) and T3 (96%). Production of fish ranged from 3.43 to 3.52 kg/m³ and was inversely related with stocking density. The present study demonstrated that 106 fish/m³ was the best stocking density in terms of growth, food conversion ratio, survival and production for tilapia culture in the aquaponic system

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