
Field application of anabolic steroids in carp seed production. II. Rearing of spawn to fry stage.


Two synthetic androgenic steroids, Ethylestrenol (17 β - Hydroxy - 17 α ethyl - estr - 4 - en - 3 - one) and Stanozolal (17 β - Hydroxy- 17 α - methyl - 5 a - androstano - 3, 2 - C - pyrazole) were fed via diet at 3 ppm to the spawn of Rohu and Mrigal which were reared up to fry stage over a period of 15 days in earthen carp nurseries. Both hormones enhanced growth of spawn. A maximum of 25.78% increase in length and 25.69% increase in weight as compared to the controls has been recorded. Growth rate was recorded to be 0.8 mm & 2.48 mg/day (control), and 1.13 mm & 2.67 mg/day (Stanozolol treated) in case of Mrigal spawn; and 0.91 mm & 2.39 mg/day (control), 1.12 mm & 2.90 mg/day (Ethylestrenol treated), and 1.10 mm & 2.57 mg/day (Stanozolol treated) in case of Rohu spawn. A decrease in the values of Relative Condition Factor upon hormone administration was also noticed

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