
Taxonomic study of brown algae commonly growing on the coast of Karachi, Pakistan


Fourteen commonly occurring species of marine benthic algae, i.e., Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbes et Solier, Dictyopteris australis (Sonder) Askenasy, Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux D. dumosa Børgesen, D. hauckiana Nizamuddin, D. indica Sonder, D. maxima Zanardini, Hincksia mitchelliae (Harvey) Silva, Jolyna laminarioides Guimardes in Guimarâes et al., Padina tetrastromatica Hauck, Sargassum tenerrinum J. Agardh, Spatoglossum variabille Figari et De Notaris, Stoechospermum marginatum (C. Agardh) Kültzing and Stokeyia indica Thivy et Doshi, belonging to all three classes of Phaeophyta, were collected from coastal areas near Karachi, Pakistan and their taxonomy determined. Although all are taxonomically known species, Dictyota dichotoma, D. dumosa, D. hauckiana, D. indica, D. maxima, Jolyna laminarioides, Padina tetrastromatica, Sargassum tenerritnum and Stokeyia indica are described for the first time from the coast of Pakistan

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