
Media studies in higher education: a case study of the social construction and reception of pedagogic discourse.


This thesis develops a social semiotic analysis of pedagogic\ud communication in a media studies course which the author taught from\ud 1993 until 1997. The author taught the course as part of an undergraduate\ud honours degree about science, culture and communication in a university in\ud the UK. The analysis describes the structuring of pedagogic practice on the\ud level of the curriculum, and within the author's own "Communicating\ud Science" module. The analysis also describes student receptions of\ud pedagogic practice. The research reveals the extent to which pedagogic\ud communication served to sustain the order which the degree was designed\ud to contest: an order based on positivist conceptions of science, science\ud communication, and therein, media theory and practice. The thesis\ud concludes by proposing a theory of instruction which is designed to enable\ud students to acquire the rules of realisation for more critical forms of science\ud communication

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