
Laptev Sea System: the Transpolar System of the Arctic Ocean


GEOMAR Laptev Sea Program was described by Heidi Kassens. Heidi presented an overview of the Russian-German erman research project „Laptev Sea System: the Transpolar System of the Arctic Ocean" which aims to assess how climate change will affect the highly sensitive Arctic environment and in how far the changes will be of consequence for Europe. Research areas are the Laptev Sea as the most important area of sea-ice production and the Fram Strait as the only deepwater and intermediate water connection between the Arctic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean (Figure 13). The Transpolar Drift connects both regions. At the same time, the Russian partner institution, the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, implements multidisciplinary investigations in the Central Arctic Ocean as the key research topic of their research program „Arctic Basin Cluster". She presented some scientific highlights of the TRANSDRIFT expeditions to the Laptev Sea and she informed about the upcoming expedition TRANSDRIFT XXII onboard Viktor Buynitskiy in August and September 2014. She is proposing a NABOS/System-Laptev-Sea workshop in 2015 to merge the results of the projects. Figure 13: Station map of TRANSDRIFT XXI (22.8. – 20.9.2013

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