Interest of the Characeae as bioindicators of water quality: the case of wetlands in Numidia (NE Algeria)


Characeae surveys and water physico-chemical studies have been performed during four years (2007-2011) on 41 wetlands of Numidia (NE Algeria). Among the 12 species inventoried in the region, four are rare in North Africa and one, Nitella batrachosperma, is new for Algeria. Comparison between Characeae communities and phosphate contents shows that (1) Characeae have nearly disappeared from habitats that contain high levels of orthophosphates (> 780 μg.l-1), (2) three species of Chara (C. globularis, C. gymnophylla and C. vulgaris) characterize medium-polluted habitats (213-780 μg.l-1), where they are often present as discontinuous populations, and (3) the Nitella (N. opaca and N. translucens) are good indicators of low water pollution ( 780 μg.l-1), (2) trois espèces de Chara (C. globularis, C. gymnophylla et C. vulgaris) caractérisent les milieux moyennement pollués (213-780 μg.l-1) où elles sont souvent présentes sous forme de populations discontinues et (3) les Nitella (N. opaca et N. translucens) sont de bons indicateurs de faible pollution de l’eau (< 70 μg.l-1). En complément de la simple présence d’une espèce, l’état physiologique des plantes est à prendre en considération pour indiquer une population saine

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