


This research aims to reveal the Western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as well as to analyze the effect of the construction toward the people in the Muslim world reflected in Ignatius’ Body of Lies. The theory of Orientalism by Edward W. Said is used to answer the objectives. The research was qualitative. Descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the data. The main source of this research was a novel entitled Body of Lies by David Ignatius. The data were discourses consisting phrases, clauses or sentences related to the Western construction of Islam and the Muslim world as well as its effect toward the people of the Muslim world found in the novel. The data analysis was conducted through six steps: identifying, reading and re-reading, coding and categorizing, sorting the data, making the interrelation between the description of the data and the theory, and making an interpretation of the findings. To obtain trustworthiness, the researcher used intra-rater technique and peer debriefing method. The findings of this research show that in order to hegemonize Islam and the Muslim world, the West builds a construction of Islam and the Muslim world which are corrupt, backward, uncivilized and exotic. First, the West uses the corrupt construction to make the Muslim world viewed as naturally and specially corrupt and despotic. Second, the West depicts the Muslim world with its backward condition to emphasize its decline—having fallen behind—superseded by the Christian Western civilization. Third, Islam and the Muslim world are set up as having three characteristics which are unfit with the civilized world condition: having poor and dirty inhabitants, having savage and barbaric characteristic—pamphleteered in terrorism image, and having irrational characteristic. The construction works to describe the inferiority of the Muslim World and to stress the superiority of the Christian Western world. It gives logic to normalize and justify the Christian Western world’s authority, control, and correction over the Muslim world. The construction imposes the people of the Muslim world to be acceptable according to the Western standards of civilization. It makes them become hypocritical. The hypocrisy committed by them can be divided into three categories including concealing Islamic identity and forgetting the history of Islamic civilization, loving Western stuffs, and betraying their countries for preferring much involvement in the War on Terrorism but ignoring neocolonialism happening in their countries

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