
Role of Local Television Programs in Promoting Domestic Wildlife Tourism in Tanzania: The Case of Dar es Salaam


The main aim of the study was to examine the role of local television in promoting domestic wildlife tourism. Data was obtained through a questionnaire with 98 members of the general public in Dar es Salaam and interviewing six experts from stakeholder organizations and was analyzed by generating descriptive statistics and subjecting interviews and documentary transcripts to content analysis. Findings revealed that the local TV programs influence different demographic groups differently, but they play a critical role in emancipating and sensitizing the public to participate in domestic wildlife tourism. It is also revealed that there are TV programs, which are more effective such as Kambi Popote of Clouds TV and those which are still far from being effective. In their attempt to effectively promote domestic wildlife tourism, TV stations face challenges including mainly insufficient support from the government, paucity of resources, and social-political cultures on the side of citizens and political leaders that discourage development of compassion in tourism and its related activities. Among other issues, it recommends for more awareness campaigns, educational interventions, and reviewing promotional programs by TV stations. It recommends that the National Tourism Policy and legal frameworks should be reviewed to undo overlaps between institutions that manage and promote domestic tourism. Last, it recommends for a baseline survey to establish how behaviors of supporting and participating in domestic tourism are distributed across demographic groups for designing intervention initiatives

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