
Lightweight construction ceramic composites based of pelletized fly ash aggregate


As coal combustion byproduct fly ash represents a risk for environment: direct ash emission from open land-fills causes pollution of air, soil and water. The solution for this severe pollution problem is fly ash reapplication in various construction ceramic composite materials. Although pelletization of waste powdery material is a known technique in the production of artificial aggregates, it still has not been widely used in construction sector. Here investigated cold-bonded fly ash aggregate was produced in semi-industrial pelletizing device. The fly ash particles were bonded with water-glass (Sodium silicate - Na2SiO3) and used as substitution for aggregate in Portland cement based composite. Half of the produced lightweight aggregate was submitted to thermal treatment and afterwards applied in the construction composite in the same ration as in the case of cold-bonded pellets. The performance characteristics of two types of lightweight composites were mutually compared and afterwards correlated with characteristics of normal-weight concrete. Compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and tensile strength were used as represents of the composites mechanical behavior. Mineral constituents of fly ash pellets were analyzed by means of X-ray diffraction analysis, differential thermal analysis was applied in crystalline phase investigation, and scanning electron microscopy in microstructural analysis. The leaching behavior and environmental impact of hazardous elements were also analyzed. It was concluded that content of potentially toxic elements found in leachate of fly-ash based composites was far below tolerance limit proposed by actual standards for the building materials, characterizing the fly ash non-harmful secondary raw material and enabling its reapplication in building materials industry. Utilizing fly ash to produce quality aggregates should yield significant environmental benefits

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