Assessment and quantification of the anthropic impact on the posidonia oceanica seagrass meadow
- Publication date
- 1 January 2015
- Publisher
- UNEP/MAP – RAC/SPA, 2015. Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation (Portorož, Slovenia, 27-28 October 2014). LANGAR H., BOUAFIF C., OUERGHI A., edits., RAC/SPA publ., Tunis: 264 p. ISBN 978-9938-9574-0-2.. pp.34-39 / PNUE/PAM – CAR/ASP, 2015. Actes du 5ème Symposium Méditerranéen sur la Végétation Marine (Portorož, Slovénie, 27-28 octobre 2014). LANGAR H., BOUAFIF C., OUERGHI A., édits., CAR/ASP publ., Tunis :264 p. pp.34-39