Remarks on tin ore deposits at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania


Baron Von Groddeck, Chief Mining Councillor of the Hartz Mining Districts and Director of the Royal Prussian Academy of mines at Clausthal, Germany. Translated by G. Thureau, F.G.S., Govornment Geologist and Inspector of Mines, from the Special Imprint of the Journal of the German Geological Society of 1884. The Royal Academy of Mines at Clausthal was some time ago placed in possession of a very fine collection of Australian ores. That collection was presented to our Academy by M. Wagenknecht, of Aachen (a Fellow of the Royal Society of Tasmania). Amongst the samples were found a number of specimens. of Tin Ore, together with the rocks and the minerals said to be associated with same, from Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania. The series interested me, particularly on account of a piece of supposed Quartz-Porphyry, which rock, it was represented, is associated (according to the description of S. H. Wintle* and Geo. H. P. Ulrich) with those Tin Ores, and also because of some peculiar, dense, greyish-blue coloured masses of mineral which most frequently are found to enclose those Tin Ores. * S. H. Wintle ; Stanniferous Deposits of Tasmania. Trans. Royal Society of New South Wales, 1875, vol. ix., page 87. Geo. H. F. Ulrich. Written communication ; New York Book for Mineralogy, etc., 1877, page 494

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