
Discovery of an aboriginal chipped flake in deep ground near Gladstone


I happened to be at Gladstone last March when a worked stone of chalcedony was brought to me as a strange specimen found by Mr. Richards in working Richards's and Murray's alluvial tin claim at the old Doone mine, north of the Ringarooma River, and two miles from Gladstone. I recognised it as an aboriginal Flake, but, to make sure, I submitted it to Mr. R. M. Johnston, whose knowledge of these implements is unrivalled, and lie at once pronounced it to be of human workmanship. The following day I proceeded to the claim in order to examine the conditions of occurrence. The actual block of gravel from which the stone had been picked had disappeared in sluicing, but I stood on the actual site of the discovery, and Mr. Richards, who enjoys a high reputation for reliability and integrity, explained to me all the attendant circumstances

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