Disability reassessment in chronic bronchitis and pulmonary functional criteria


U sklopu reevaluacije gubitka radne sposobnosti 579 osoba s glavnom internističkom dijagnozom specifično je obrađeno 88 muškaraca (dob 52,82 g) s dominantnom bolešću - kronični bronhitis te posljedičnim gubitkom radne sposobnosti. Rearbitraža gubitka radne sposobnosti koju je proveo neformalni arbitrarni tim upućuje na nesklad s obzirom na neispravno donijetu odluku o statusu invalidnosti, posebno s aspekta preostale radne sposobnosti. Kronični opstruktivni bronhitis imalo je 68 muškaraca (dob 52,29 g). U uzorku 68 ispitanika izvršena je kompletna funkcijska obrada uključivši plinsku analizu arterijske krvi, neke izvedene pokazatelje i nespecifičnu reaktivnost dišnih putova. Uzorak ispitanika reevaluiran je prema pokazateljima: pravilna ocjena, neispravna ocjena, preostala radna sposobnost, nezavršeno liječenje. Neparametrijska statistička obrada podataka jednosmjernom Kruskal-Walli-sovom analizom rangova atribuira kao specifične prediktore: dob ispitanika, PC20 FEV1, stanje hiperreaktivnosti i stupanj opstrukcije dišnih putova. U radu se obrazlaže važnost funkcijske obrade u mirovanju, a napose značenje varijable FEV1 u ocjeni gubitka radne sposobnosti osoba s kroničnim opstruktivnim bronhitisom.As part of an investigation to reassess disability which was performed in .579 subjects with an internist\u27s diagnosis, disability was reassessed in 68 males with chronic bronchitis as the main diagnosis. Disability reassessment was carried out by an informal team of physicians consisting of pulmologists and members of a second degree disability board. The aim of the study was to define the differences between disability reevaluation and residual working capacity. In chronic bronchitis, a complete functional pulmonary test was carried out including measurement of the degree of obstruction, several specific parameters, non-specific bronchial reactivity and an analysis of arterial blood gases. Disability was reassessed in accordance with the following parameters: accurate evaluation, inaccurate evaluation, residual working capacity, uncompleted treatment. The one-way Kruskal-Wallis rank analysis of non-parametric data attributed the following predictors as specific: age, PC20, FEV1, the condition of hyperreactive airways and the degree of airway obstruction. The relevance of functional criteria arrest, particularly of FEY1, for assessing the loss of working capacity in persons with chronic obstructive bronchitis is emphasized

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