Urinary cotinine as marker of passive tobacco smoking


Radi objektivizacije opasnosti pušenja roditelja po zdravlje njihove djece u 205 učenika oba spola, dobi 10-12 godina određena je, kolorimetrijskom metodom sa barbiturnom kiselinom (OBA), koncentracija kotinina u urinu. Dobiveni rezultati su korelirani sa podacima dobivenim iz ankete. Utvrđena je signifikantna razlika između srednje vrijednosti koncentracije kotinina za djecu roditelja nepušača (3,2 µmol/L) i djece u kojih puši jedan roditelj (5,8 µmol/L). Koncentracija kotinina je još veća ako puše oba roditelja (7,8 µmol/L) i najveća u djece, pasivnih pušača, koji nemaju posebnu sobu za učenje i spavanje, a oba su im roditelja pušači (9,2 µmol/L). Nije dobivena statistički značajna razlika u koncentracijama kotinina u djevojčica i dječaka.To provide an objective measure of the hazard smoking parents represent to their children\u27s health, cotinine concentration in urine was measured by the colorimetric method using barbituric acid (DBA). A total of 205 children, aged 10-12, were examined. The results of laboratory tests were correlated with the data collected by interview. A significant difference in the average value of cotinine concentration was demonstrated between the children whose parents did not smoke (3.2 µmol/L) and chose whose one parent smoked (5.8 µmol/L). An even larger concentration was recorded when both parents smoked (7.8 µmol/L). The largest cotinine concentration was determined in the urine of children - passive smokers whose both parents smoked and who did not have a room of their own (9.2 µmol/L). The difference in cotinine concentration between girls and boys was not statistically significant

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