University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
Information technologies have produced new ways of distributing and consuming music, mainly by youth, in relation to both goods and services. In the case of goods, there has been a dramatic shift from traditional ways of buying and listening to music to new digital platforms. There has also been an evolution in relation to music services. In this sense, live music concerts have been losing their audiences over the past few years, as have music radio stations, in favor of streaming platforms. Curious about this phenomenon, we conducted an exploratory research in order to analyze how all these services, both traditional and new ones were perceived. Specifically, we aimed to study youth´s assessment of the three most relevant music service categories: music radio stations, digital streaming platforms, and pop-rock music festivals. To do so, we used the projective technique of image association to gather information. The population of the study consisted of individuals between 18 and 25 years of age. Our results, after using content analysis, were poor due to spontaneous recall. Therefore, we duplicated the study, but in a more focus-oriented way. Information gathered this time allowed us not only to better know how all these organizations are positioned but also to obtain a list of descriptors to be used in a subsequent descriptive research study.Informacijske tehnologije stvaraju nove načine distribucije i konzumiranja glazbe, pretežno od strane mladih, po pitanju i proizvoda i usluga. Kod proizvoda događa se dramatična promjena od tradicionalnih načina kupovine i slušanja glazbe prema novim digitalnim platformama. Isto se tako razvijaju i glazbene usluge. Tako tijekom proteklih nekoliko godina koncerti žive glazbe gube publiku, isto kao i radio postaje,a u korist digitalnih platformi za slušanje glazbe. Zbog te smo pojave proveli eksplorativno istraživanje kako bi analizirali percepcije svih tih usluga, i tradicionalnih i novih. Konkretno, želimo istražiti procjene mladih o tri najrelevantnije kategorije glazbenih usluga: radio postaja, digitalnih platformi za slušanje glazbe i pop rock-festivala. U tu svrhu koristili smo projektivne tehnike slikovnih asocijacija za prikupljanje informacija. Populacija u istraživanju bili su pojedinci u dobi od 18 do 25 godina. Nakon korištenja analize sadržaja,rezultati su bili slabi uslijed spontanog prisjećanja. Stoga smo ponovili istraživanje na više fokusiran način. Tako prikupljene informacije omogućile su nam da saznamo ne samo kako su te organizacije pozicionirane, već smo tako dobili i popis opisnih karakteristika za korištenje u sljedećem deskriptivnom istraživanju