Life and work of academician Vladimir Bayer


Akademik Vladimir Bayer, učenik gimnazije u Osijeku, redoviti profesor na katedri Kazneni postupak Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i redoviti član JAZU-a, od 1986. jedan je od najistaknutijih i najcjenjenijih hrvatskih pravnika. Autor je brojnih zanstvenih i stručih radova iz procesnog i materijalnog kaznenog prava, povijesti kaznenog prava, penologije i pravne nastave. Znatan dio njegova znanstvenog djela ugrađen je u zakonske propise. Zastupa ideje pravnopolitički liberalno usmjerene teorije kaznenog prava i suglasno tome zalaže se za postavljanje preciznih i čvrstih granica represivnih ovlasti državnih tijela. Zajedno s profesorom Bogdanom Zlatarićem utemeljitelj je uglednog Poslijediplomskog studija iz kaznenopravnih znanosti Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.The academician Vladimir Bayer, who attended secondary-school in Osijek and has been professor at the Chair of Criminal Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, University of Zagreb has also been a regular member of JAZU since 1986. He is one of the most significant and highly regarded Croatian jurists, the author of a number of scientific, expert papers in the field of procedural and material criminal law, history of criminal law, penology and law teaching. His scientific work makes a considerable integral part of legal regulations. He stands for the criminal law theory of legal-political liberal orientation and accordingly for setting precise and firm boundaries to repressive powers of the authorities. He established together with professor Bogdan Zlatarić the renowned postgraduate studies in criminal law science at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb

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