Changes in metacognitive processes in the student population detected by the "Metacognition questionnaire"


S. Cartwright-Huttom i A. Wells 1997. godine objavili su Meta-Cognition Questionnaire, koji sadrži 65 čestica sa skalama za odgovaranje Likertova tipa. Prema rezultatima autora, upitnik mjeri pet empirijski odvojenih kategorija vjerovanja i procesa usmjerenih na vlastite misli, tj. metakogniciju. Tih pet kategorija su: pozitivna vjerovanja o zabrinutosti, negativna vjerovanja o nekontroliranosti misli i s tim vezane opasnosti, kognitivna sigurnost, negativna vjerovanja o mislima općenito, uključujući praznovjerje, kaznu i odgovornost, kognitivna osviještenost. Preveden na hrvatski primijenjen je na studentima (N = 163) svih pet godišta studija psihologije u Osijeku. Po prosječnom rezultatu u ovom upitniku 1. i 2. godina studija se ne razlikuju, ali se 1. godina razlikuje i od 3. i od 4. i od 5. godine (prosječni rezultati rastu s godištima studija). Na našim rezultatima dobili smo šest faktora koji su po sadržaju vrlo slični originalnim kategorijama. Rezultati studenata elektrotehničkog studija u Osijeku uklapaju su u opću sliku dobivenu na studentima psihologije. Razlikovanje rezultata u Upitniku metakognicije u prvim godinama studija od kasnijih može imati važnih praktičnih reperkusija u pomaganju studentima pri svladavanju teškoća u studiju.S. Cartwright-Hutton and A. Wells published their Meta-Cognition Questionnaire with 65 items in 1997, each one provided with a Likert type scale for answers. The results collected by the authors showed that the questionnaire measures five empirically separate categories of beliefs and processes concentrated on one’s own thoughts, i.e. metacognition. The five categories were: positive beliefs about worry, negative beliefs about controllability of thoughts and corresponding danger, cognitive confidence, negative beliefs about thoughts in general, including themes of superstitions, punishment and responsibility, and cognitive self-consciousness. The questionnaire translated into Croatian was administered on 163 students of psychology (years of study 1-5) in Osijek. Average results for the first and second year of study do not differ, but the results of the first year students differ from the results of those in the third, fourth and fifth years of study – average results are progressively lower with the years of study. Factor analysis of our results gave six factors whose content is very similar to the original categories (proposed by the authors). Results of students of electrical engineering in Osijek fit into the picture obtained with students of psychology. Differences found between results in the Meta-Cognition Questionnaire obtained by students in the first and second year of study in relation to the results of students in the third, fourth and fifth year of study, could have some important practical implications for help offered to students who encounter difficulties in their studies

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