
Cilj studije bio je istražiti učestalost i karakteristike malignih neoplazmi kože glave i vrata područja Osječko-baranjske županije u razdoblju od 2004. do 2012, u odnosu na spol, dob, mjesto boravka, radno mjesto, zanimanje, tip i lokaciju neoplazme te fenotipske odlike oboljelih. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo sve ispitanike kojima je PHD nalazom potvrđena dijagnoza, a stanovnici su Osječko-baranjske županije. Obrađena su ukupno 2.952 oboljela od kojih je bilo 1.487 (50,4 %) muškaraca i 1.465 (49,6 %) žena, što čini približnu godišnju incidenciju od 104/100 000. Srednja dob ispitanika bila je 72 godine. Ispitanici su većinom sa sela, 1952 (66,2 %). Na otvorenom je radilo 2.137 (72,4 %) ispitanika. Najčešće su to poljoprivrednici, 907 (42,4 %) i građevinski radnici (889 ili 41,6 %). S obzirom na tip neoplazme, najčešći je bio bazocelularni tip (2.160 - 73,2 %) oboljelih. Maligni melanom imala su 93 (3,1 %) ispitanika. Lokalizacija maligne neoplazme je najčešće lice (839 - 28,7 %) i nos (643 - 22,0%) ispitanika. Muškaraci su imali značajno više (341 - 56,6 %) planocelularih malignih neoplazmi od žena (262 - 43,4 %) (p=0,005). Značajno su bili mlađi ispitanici s malignim melanomom (medijan dobi 67 godina). Nema značajne razlike vrste maligne neoplazme i mjesta stanovanja, radnog mjesta i zanimanja s obzirom na rad na otvorenom ili zatvorenom prostoru. Dokazano je, s obzirom na lokalizaciju, na uhu i na usni značajno više planocelularnih malignih neoplazmi (p=0,039; p<0,001), na vratu, oku i na glavi malignih melanoma (p=0,004; p<0,001; p=0,026), a na nosu bazocelularih neoplazmi (p=0,002). Nema značajne razlike u vrsti i učestalosti malignih neoplazmi povezano s bojom kose i očiju ispitanika. Očito je da bolest nastaje nakon višedesetljetne inkubacije te kumulativnog učinka izloženosti rizičnim faktorima, pri čemu direktna izloženost suncu, čini se, ima značajnu ulogu. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja.The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and characteristics of malignant neoplasms of the skin of the head and neck region in the Osijek-Baranya County during the 2004-2012 period according to gender, age, place of residence, place of work, occupation, type and location of the neoplasm, and phenotypic characteristics of patients. Subjects: The study included all subjects with the diagnosis confirmed by histopathology finding and residents of the Osijek-Baranya County. The study included a total of 2952 persons, 1487 (50.4%) male and 1465 (49.6%) female, yielding an approximate annual incidence of 104/100,000. Mean age was 72 years. Respondents were mostly from rural areas (n=1952, 66.2%). There were 2137 (72.4%) of respondents mostly working outdoors, mainly farmers (n=907, 42.4%) and construction workers (n=889, 41.6%). Results: According to the type of neoplasm, the basal cell type was most common with 2160 (73.2%) patients. Ninety-three (3.1%) patients had malignant melanoma. According to localization, face was the most common site of malignant neoplasms with 839 (28.7%) and nose with 643 (22.0%) patients. Squamous cell carcinoma was significantly more common in men (n=341, 56.6%) as compared with women (n=262, (43.4%; p=0.005). Subjects with malignant melanoma were significantly younger, with median age of 67 years. There were no signifi cant differences according to the type of malignant neoplasms and place of residence, place of business, and occupation with regard to working outdoors or indoors. According to localization, significantly more squamous cell malignancies were found on the ears and lips (p=0.039 and p<0.001, respectively), malignant melanomas on the neck, head and eyes (p=0.004, p<0.001 and p=0.026, respectively), and basal cell neoplasms on the nose (p=0.002). There were no significant differences in the type and frequency of malignant neoplasms according to hair and eye color. Conclusion: It is obvious that the disease occurs after a decades-long incubation period and the cumulative effect of exposure to risk factors, with direct sun exposure, seems to have a significant role. Additional research is needed

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