
U uvjetima distenzionih povreda ekstremiteta, a naročito pri kirurškim elongacijama radi izjednačavanja dužine ekstremiteta, česte su povrede neuro-muskularnih struktura. Najteži oblik je anatomski prekid kontinuiteta živca (neurotmesis), koji se liječi samo kirurškom intervencijom. Potpuni prekid aksona uz održan kontinuitet konektivnog tkiva živca (aksonotmesis) predstavlja ozljedu, koja se može spontano regenerirati ako je neuronska cijev sposobna voditi novostvorene izdanke. Najblaža komplikacija rastezne neuropatije predstavlja blok provodljivosti aksonima kroz određeno vrijeme (neuropraksija). Najdeblja vlakna miješanih živaca su najvulnerabilnija i oporavljaju se sporije od tanjih. Progresija oporavka je nepravilna, ne slijedi anatomski tok živca, ali je u većini slučajeva potpuna. Naglašava se važnost pravovremene i istovremene interpretacije kliničke slike rasteznih ozljeda perifernih živaca i mišića, komplikacije koje pri tome nastaju (kauzalgija, grčevi, kontrakture, ishemične paralize), te principi liječenja , koje determinira klinička slika, odnosno patomorfološki supstrat.Injuries of the neuro-muscular structures are frequent in the conditions of extensible injuries of the extremities, particularly in surgical elongations in order to equalize the lenghth of the extremities. The anatomic interruption of the nerve continuity (neurotmesis) is considered to be the most severe injury, which can be treated only surgically. The complete interruption of the axons with the retained continuity of the connective tissue of the nerve (axonotmesis) is an injury which can be regenerated spontaneously if the neuron tube is capable of leading new offsprings. The mildest complication in extensible neuropathy is the block of the axon conductivity over a definite period of time (neuropraxis). The thickest fibres of the mixed nerves are most vulnerable and recover slower than the thinner anes. Progression of the recovery is irregular; it does not follow the anatomic flow of the nerve, but the recovery is complete in most cases. Emphasis has been laid on the due and precise reading of the clinic picture of extensible injuries of the peripheral nerves and muscles, the complications that may develop (causalgia, cramps, contractions, ischemic paralysis), and the method of the treatment which are determined by the clinic picture, i. e. pathomorphological substrate

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