
Zdenko Križan (1915. - 2005.), liječnik, anatom i nastavnik, važna je akademska ličnost 20. stoljeća, posebno na južnoslavenskom području. Sudjelovao je u osnivanju tri anatomska zavoda i rukovodio njihovim radom. Tijekom dugogodišnje karijere bavio se nastavnim i znanstveno-istraživačkim radom. Prof. Križan je autor kompendija opće i specijalne anatomije za studente medicine i stomatologije. Rezultate svojih anatomskih istraživanja, uglavnom iz područja skeleta glave i krvnih žila, objavio je u domaćim i inozemnim znanstvenim časopisima. Ovaj rad pregledno daje biografske podatke o prof. Križanu.Zdenko Križan (1915 - 2005), physician, anatomist and teacher, is an important academic figure of the 20th century, especially in the South Slavic area. He participated in the founding of three anatomical institutes and directed their work. During the years of his career he was teaching and he did scientific research. Prof. Križan is author of three compendia of anatomy for Medicine and Dentistry students. The results of his anatomical research, mainly in the area of the head skeleton and blood vessels, were published in national and international scientific journals. This article is a rewiew of prof. Križan’s biography data

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