The choice of the optimum alternative of the process results quality control


Efikasna kontrola kvalitete rezultata procesa zahtijeva pravilan odabir vrste kontrole koja ovisi o: fazi poslovanja, periodu u kojem se izvodi, predmetu kontrole, kontroliranim parametrima, sustavu i razini kontrole, pristupu kontroli, tipu i planu kontrole te primijenjenim normama. U članku se obrađuju navedena pitanja s ciljem iznalaska optimalne varijante kontrole.An effective quality control of the process results requires the right choice regarding the type of control that depends on the following: the business stage, a period when it is implemented, the subject of control, controlled parameters, the control system, the control level, the control approach, the control plan type, the control plan, and the standard. This article discusses the aforementioned issues with the aim of finding the optimum control alternative

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