Flat-bottomed amphorae from layers of the ancient port in Zaton near Zadar


Antička luka u Zatonu otkrivena je sredinom šezdesetih godina 20. st., a sustavno se istražuje od 2002. god. što nam je omogućilo detaljniji uvid u kronološku problematiku. Vrlo bogati arheološki slojevi ne govore samo o privremenoj postaji, nego ukazuju na to da su se brodovi duže zadržavali i da je luka bila značajnije tranzitno pristanište. U luci je pronađena velika količina različitog materijala, uglavnom keramičkih proizvoda, među kojim amfore zauzimaju tek manji dio. U radu se donosi pregled 49 amfora klasificiranih kao tip Forlimpopoli, a za koje se danas najčešće koristi naziv amfore ravnog dna. Autori donose opći pregled istraživanja amfora tipa Forlimpopoli i statističku obradu amfora pronađenih u luci. Amfore su s obzirom na oblik oboda, ručki i dna podijeljene na nekoliko tipova.The ancient port in Zaton was discovered in the mid-1960s, and systematically researched since 2002, has provided us with more detailed insight into chronological issues. The very rich archaeological layers do not testify only of the existence of a temporary station, but suggest that the boats stayed for longer periods and that the port was an important transit station. A large amount of various materials has been discovered in the port, mainly ceramic products, of which the amphorae are only a small part. This paper provides an overview of 49 amphorae classified as the Forlìmpopoli type, and for which the most commonly used name is the flat-bottomed amphora. The authors present a general overview of research into the Forlìmpopoli type of amphorae and a statistical analysis of the amphorae found in the port. Based on the shape of the rim, the handles and bottom, the amphorae have been classified into several types

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