Electromagnetic Therapy in Osteoporosis


U niskofrekventnom magnetskom polju gustoće 140 gausa tretirano je 60bolesnika s osteoporozom (OP), dok je njih 30činilo poredbenu skupinu. U 15-ak procedura u trajanju 25 minuta bolje analgetske učinke (mjereno AVS boli) imali su mršaviji. Bolesnice su činile 9/10 liječenih magnetoterapijom (MT). Relativno malo kontraindikacija omogućuje sigurnu terapiju. Raspravlja se o mogućem placebo učinku magnetoterapije ali i sinergičkom učinku u medikamentoznom liječenju te doziranom kinezioterapijom.In low-frequency pulsed magnetic field with 140 Gauss intensity, 60patients with osteoporosis were treated, and compare group was 30 others. In 15 prodeedurs lasting 25 minutes better analgetic effects have been noticed (measurring by analog visual scale of pain /AVS/) among skinier persons. Female patients made 90% of group treated electromagnetic therapy (EMT). Relatively small number of contraindications enables safe therapy with EMT. Possible placebo effect of EMT and synergistic effect in combination with medicaments and kynesiothetapy were discussed

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