Biootpad se prema direktivama EU i zakonskim propisima Republike Hrvatske definira kao biološki razgradiv otpad iz vrtova i parkova, hrana i kuhinjski otpad iz kućanstava, restorana, ugostiteljskih i maloprodajnih objekata uključujući i slični otpad iz proizvodnje prehrambenih proizvoda. Iako se pojam biootpada miješa s pojmom biorazgradivog otpada, oni se bitno razlikuju. Naime, biorazgradivi otpad obuhvaća šire područje te uključuje i razne druge vrste biološki razgradivoga otpada kao što je otpad iz šumarstva, otpadna gnojiva, papir, karton, tekstil i sl. Zakon o održivom gospodarenju otpadom (NN 94/13) propisuje ograničenja u vezi odlaganja biorazgradivoga komunalnoga otpada na odlagališta, pa tako i otpada od hrane, a Pravilnikom o načinima i uvjetima odlaganja otpada, kategorijama i uvjetima rada za odlagališta otpada (NN 117/07, 111/11, 17/13) zabranjen je prihvat komunalnoga otpada na odlagalište ukoliko mu masa biorazgradive komponente premašuje 35% od ukupne mase. Definirane su i obveze odvojenoga sakupljanja biootpada s ciljem njegovog kompostiranja, anaerobne digestije ili energetske oporabe uvođenjem Pravilnika o nusproizovdima i ukidanju statusa otpada (NN 117/14) kojim su otvorene mogućnosti u pogledu gospodarenja ovom posebnom kategorijom otpada sukladno najmodernijim tehnološkim i najnovijim zakonskim tekovinama EU. Smanjenje nastanka otpada od hrane zauzima značajno mjesto i u programima europskih institucija. Prema dokumentu Europske komisije The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe do 2020. godine odlaganje otpada od hrane na razini EU trebalo bi biti smanjeno za polovicu. Rad donosi analizu pripremljenosti i rezultata koje je Republika Hrvatska ostvarila ili mora ostvariti u narednom periodu te pregled mogućnosti obrade otpada od hrane.Bio waste is defined as biodegradable waste from gardens and parks, food and kitchen waste from households, restaurants, catering and retail facilities including similar waste from the manufacture of food products according to EU Directives and Croatian legislation. Although the term of bio waste is mixed with the term of biodegradable waste, they are significantly different. The biodegradable waste covers a wider area and includes other various types of waste such as waste from forestry, manure, paper, cardboard, textiles and etc. The Law on Sustainable Waste Management (OG 94/13) prescribes restrictions on disposal of biodegradable municipal waste to landfill, including food waste. By the Ordinance on the methods and conditions of waste disposal, categories and operational requirements for waste landfills (OG 117/07, 111/11, 17/13) it is forbidden to accept the waste at the landfill if biodegradable component weight exceeds 35% of the total weight. Ordinance on by-products and the withdrawing the status of waste (OG 117/14) defines obligations on separate bio waste collection with the aim of composting, anaerobic digestion and energy recovery, providing opportunities of managing this special waste category according to most modern technology and latest EU acquis. Reduction of waste food generation has a significant place in the programs of the European institutions. According to the Roadmap for a resource-efficient Europe by 2020 food waste disposal should be reduced by half at the EU level. The paper analyzes the preparedness and the results that Croatia has made or must achieve in the next period, and it also gives an overview of the possibilities of food waste treatment