
Standardi adekvatnosti kapitala nastali su i opstaju u vjeri da njihova primjena ima blagotvorne učinke za stabilnost bankarskog sustava. S druge strane, prošla i tekuća kretanja svjedoče o njihovoj nedovoljnoj funkcionalnosti u sprječavanju nestabilnosti ovog sektora. Kako bilo, nadnacionalni i nacionalni regulatorni autoriteti ne posustaju u modificiranju kapitalnih zahtjeva te obvezivanju banaka na njihovom udovoljavanju. Ovaj rad ima za cilj analizirati i sistematizirati slabosti promatrane regulatorne mjere, identificirane u teorijskim i empirijskim istraživanjima o predmetnoj problematici te tako poslužiti kao uporište za buduću diskusiju i potencijalnu empirijsku kvantifikaciju učinaka od primjene kapitalnih zahtjeva.The capital adequacy accords were created and have survived in a belief that their implementation has beneficial effects on the banking system stability. On the other hand, the past and the current trends testify their insufficient functionality in preventing instability of the sector. Nevertheless, the national and the supranational prudential authorities do not give up the capital requirements modification and obliging banks to comply with it. This paper aims to analyze and systematize the weaknesses of the aforementioned regulatory measure, which were identified in theoretical and empirical researches in the field, and thus, serve as a stronghold for a future discussion and a potential empirical quantification of the capital requirements effects

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