Selective perceptual-motor, musical rhythmic stimulation and graphomotor activity of a child with cerebral palsy


U okviru holističke sinteze suvremenih doktrina u ranoj razvojnoj rehabilitaciji, rehabilitacijskoj medicini, sofrologiji i rehabilitacijskim znanostima u širem smislu, prikazana je inovativna metoda analitičko-sinestezijske stimulacije (protokoli za terapiju i evaluaciju) u cilju funkcionalne psihomotorne reedukacije djeteta s cerebralnom paralizom u četiri studije slučaja. Definirana je polazna hipoteza prema kojoj selektivne perceptivno-motoričke i glazbeno-ritmičke stimulacije utječu na razvoj neuroloških lančanih reakcija (neurological chain reactions) u sljedećim područjima: a) razvoj samoinduciranog pokreta; b) aktivnost voljnog kretanja i c) doživljaj estetskog užitka u subjekta. Analiza tendencija promjena u prostorno-vremenskoj orijentaciji, usklađivanju posture i pokreta, te voljnoj grafomotornoj aktivnosti (u okviru kontrolne i eksperimentalne procedure istraživanja), provedena je na osnovi 36 kontroliranih varijabli, te kompleksne informatičko - statističke analize (INDIFF). U svrhu procjene korišteni su mjerni instrumenti Gibsonov spiralni labirint, Beery test vizuomotorne integracije i Analitičko sinestezijska matrica za vođenje pokreta. Istraživanje je provedeno kroz 11-17 točaka procjene. Rezultati pokazuju značajne promjene kod svih ispitanika na varijablama vizuomotorne integracije Beery testa te varijablama grafomotorne reprodukcije kruga i kvadrata nakon primjene terapijskog programa, te je konstatirana vrijednost koncipiranog kliničkog modela analitičkosinestezijske metode uz primjenu selektivnih perceptivno-motoričkih i glazbeno-ritmičkih stimulacija u grafomotornoj aktivnosti djeteta s cerebralnom paralizom.Within the holistic synthesis of modern doctrine in early developmental rehabilitation, rehabilitation medicine, rehabilitation sciences, and sophrology in a broader sense, an innovative method (i.e., protocols for treatment and evaluation) of analytical-synesthesia stimulation with the aim of functional psychomotor re-education of children with cerebral palsy is shown through four case studies. The initial hypothesis is defined according to which selective perceptual-motor and musical rhythmic stimulations affect the development of neurological chain reaction in the following areas: (a) the development of self-induced motion; (b) the activity of voluntary movement, and (c) the experience of aesthetic pleasure in the subject. The analysis of the tendency of changes in spatial-temporal orientation, in the synchronization of posture and movement, and in voluntary graphomotor activity (within the control and experimental research procedures), was conducted on the basis of 36 controlled variables, and complex computing in the form of statistical analysis (INDIFF). In order to make an assessment, following measurments were used: Gibson spiral labyrinth, Analytical–synesthetic matrix for guiding movement, and the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration. The research was conducted in 11-17 assessment points. The results show significant changes in all subjects for the variables of visual-motor integration of the Berry Developmental Test as well as on variables of graphic-motor reproduction of circle and square after the application of the therapeutic program. We also determined the value of the conceptualized clinical model of the analytical-synaesthetic method that was developed with the application of selective perceptual-motor and musical rhythmic stimulations in the graphic-motor activity of a child with cerebral palsy

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