Web of Science, Scopus i Google Scholar najveće su, multidisciplinarno orijentirane citatne baze podataka koje, osim za pretraživanje literature, služe i kao analitički instrumentarij za vrednovanje znanstvenog odjeka autora i časopisa. Danas se, i to posebno u Europi, čimbenik odjeka (engl. Impact Factor) koristi ne samo kao pokazatelj kvalitete časopisa nego i kao jedan od osnovnih pokazatelja znanstvene vrijednosti autora, što često stvara probleme i dovodi do krivih zaključaka. U ovom radu prikazani su najvažniji bibliometrijski pokazatelji rada znanstvenika i kvalitete časopisa koji su dostupni u bazama podataka Web of Science, Scopus i Google Scholar.Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar are the largest, multi-disciplinary oriented citation databases, which in addition to searching the literature are used as analytical tools for evaluating the scientific impact of authors and journals. Nowadays, especially in Europe, the impact factor is used not only as an indicator of the quality of the journal, but also as one of the main indicators of the scientific value of the author, which often causes problems and leads to false conclusions. This paper describes the most important bibliometric indicators of author’s scientific work and the quality of the journal that are available in the Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar databases