
Genetsko modificiranje, genetsko transformiranje ili genetski inženjering skup je tehnika koje pružaju mogućnost dodavanja poželjnih obilježja u superiorne geno tipove biljaka, putem prijenosa gena između različitih nesrodnih vrsta, rodova, pa čak i carstava, što se inače ne događa u prirodi. S druge strane, klasičnim se oplemenjivanjem putem selekcije i križanja između jedinki koje pripadaju istoj ili srodnim vrstama također izmjenjuju i ističu određena svojstva radi poboljšanja vrsta prema ljudskim mjerilima, ali je takav prijenos gena moguć i u prirodi. S genetskim modificiranjem na drvenastim biljkama započelo se 1987. godine na topolama (Fillatti i dr. 1987). To je prva studija u kojoj je uspješno regenerirano genetski modificirano tkivo šumske vrste drveća. Svojstva koja su najčešće predmet genetske modifikacije kod biljaka jesu sastav lignina, tolerancija na herbicide, otpornost na bolesti i štetnike te kontrola cvatnje. Osim samog postupka genetskih transformacija, terenski pokusi genetski modificiranoga šumskog drveća predstavljaju vrlo važan segment u cjelokupnom lancu istraživanja. Testiranje izmijenjenih svojstava u prirodnim okolišnim uvjetima pridonosi boljem shvaćanju interakcije okolišnih utjecaja i transformiranih svojstava. Iako se procjenjuje kako postoji preko 600 terenskih nasada s genetski modificiranim drvenastim vrstama širom svijeta, u šumarstvu gotovo nema komercijalne uporabe takvih plantaža. U hrvatskom šumarstvu ne postoje naznake takva korištenja biotehnologije. Međutim, praćenje svjetskih trendova važno je za implementaciju inozemnih iskustava u zakonsku regulativu te za stjecanje dovoljnih količina znanja za provedbe mjera sigurnosti i opreza prilikom takvih istraživanja.Genetic modification, genetic transformation or genetic engineering are synonyms for technique that permits adding desirable traits into superior genotypes by gene insertion between different species, families and even kingdoms which dose not occur in nature. On the other hand, traditional breeding relies primarily on selection and crosses within species or within closely related genera which exist in nature, to emphasize certain characteristics. But this method has no control over additional genetic material being incorporated within desired phenotype. Genetic modification is defined as use of recombinant DNA and asexual gene transfer methods to alter the structure or expression of specific genes and traits (FAO, 2004). The first report of genetic modified trees was in 1987 on Populus sp. (Fillati et al. 1987). For the first time it was successfully regenerated transformed tissue of forest tree species. Applications of genetic modification in forest tree species include lignin modification, herbicide tolerance, disease and pest resistance and flowering control, so called target traits. Besides genetic modification techniques, field trial experiments are also very important step in genetic transformation. After first successful regeneration of transformed tissue, in the next 15 years more than 210 field trials of genetically modified trees were established in 16 countries worldwide. The great majority of field trial experiments occur in the United States (FAO, 2004). According to the newest assessment there are over 600 field trials with genetically modified trees in the world (Strauss, IUFRO Conference 2011). But there are hardly any commercial use of genetic modified forest trees. The rapid development of genetic engineering it will attempt to meet global demand for forest products, biofuels, to restore threatened species, and to protect future forests from invasive pests and climate change. When used responsibly, society and the environment can benefit from advanced biotechnology (Anon. 2010). There is no indication for using biotechnology or genetic modification in Croatian forestry. But gathering existing knowledge and capacity building can only contribute for implementation of world knowledge into national legislation, and prepare experts for future development

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