
U ovome radu prikazan je proračun transportne trake za kontinuirani prekrcaj robe. Odabran je materijal ugljena prašina, te duljina transportne trake od 300 metara uz promjenu visine od 10°. Zadan je učin od 150 tona satnog kapaciteta, proračunati svi potrebni funkcionalni dijelovi prema standardima te konačan rezultirajući učin. Prikazan je postupak odabira brzine transportne trake, širine trake, proračun pogonske snage, odabir dimenzija pogonskog bubnja i nosivih valjaka. Korišten je standardni model proračuna. Sile koje se javljaju u procesu su proračunate te je korištena metoda kontrole proračuna obilaskom po konturi.This paper presents the calculation for conveyor belt for continuous transportation of material. The investigated conveyor is designed for transportation of coal dust, the selected length of the conveyor belt being 300 meters with the rising angle of 10°. The required carrying capacity was 150 tons per hour. All necessary functional components of the conveyor belt were calculated according to the standards, as well as the desired final output. The paper describes the process of selecting conveyor belt speed, belt width, the calculation of operating power, the choice of dimensions of the drive drum and bearing rollers. The standard model for belt conveyor calculation was used. The forces occurring in the process were investigated and the method of force contour calculation was used for control

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