Trial archaeological investigation at Novi Čeminac-Remanec poljana-Krčevine, on the route of a connecting road east of junction Čeminac – south extension (AS 9)


Rad donosi sažeti prikaz rezultata istraživanja provedenih na lokalitetu Novi Čeminac – Remanec poljana – Krčevine. Kako se taj lokalitet nalazi na trasi buduće autoceste A5 Beli Manastir – Osijek – Svilaj, dionica Beli Manastir – Osijek, točnije na spojnoj cesti istočno od čvora Čeminac – južni krak, Institut za arheologiju je na njemu proveo probna istraživanja putem istražnih rovova. Arheološki objekti nisu istraživani nego su samo dokumentirani. Sva keramika pronađena na lokalitetu može se datirati u brončano doba pa možemo pretpostaviti da i većina objekata potječe iz toga razdoblja.Between the 11th and 14th October 2013 the Institute of Archaeology carried out trial archaeological excavations at the AS 9 Novi Čeminac-Remanec poljana-Krčevine site, positioned on the route of the future motorway A5 Beli Manastir – Osijek – Svilaj, the Beli Manastir – Osijek section, more precisely, on the connecting road east of the Čeminac south extension junction. The site lies to the left of the road leading from Jagodnjak to Novi Čeminac, that is, north of the road connecting Novi Čeminac and Čeminac. It lies on a gentle natural elevation extending from north-west towards south-east. The area was first documented as an archaeological site in the 1986 field survey. The excavation at the site was carried out by means of 12 trial trenches covering 2048 m2. Trial excavations established that the northern part of the site was mostly sterile with only occasional archaeological features. Most structures occupied the central and southern parts of the site, on the highest part of the terrain. Since the structures were not excavated and their surfaces often did not yield pottery, not all of them could be dated with precision. However, all the pottery found at the site is dated to the Bronze Age

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