On the Development of Writing among the Burgenland Croats


Prve gradišćanskohrvatske knjige napisali su svećenici; oni koji su sve do 19. stoljeća činili sloj inteligencije u Hrvata zapadno-ugarskog prostora. Autor spominje nekoliko kulturno-prosvjetnih djelatnika koji su pridonijeli čuvanju i razvitku gradišćansko-hrvatskog jezika. Posebno ističe Matu Meršića Miloradića, najpoznatijega gradišćanskohrvatskog pjesnika, koji je prvenstveno preko svojih stihova odgajao puk u duhu materinske riječi. Na kraju autor navodi tri činjenice koje su utjecale na lingvističke specifičnosti gradišćansko-hrvatskog jezika.The first Burgenland Croatian books were written by priests; those who until the 19th century formed the intellectual stratum among Croats in the western Hungarian area. The author mentions several culture leaders and educators who contributed to the preservation and development of the Burgenland Croatian language. He especially emphasises Mate Meršić Miloradić, the most renowned Burgenland Croatian poet who primarily through his verses educated the people in their mother tongue. At the end of his paper the author mentions three facts that had an influence on the linguistic specificities of Burgenland Croatian language

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