Preparation and Characterization of Yttrium-iron Citric Acid Complexes


Yttrium-iron(III) citric acid complexes with mole ratio Y : Fe = 1 or 3:5, potential precursors for YFe03 and Y3Fe50i2 thin films preparation, have been synthesized in ethylene glycol medium. The compositions, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectral characteristics of the isolated solid complexes have been studied. Their Chemical nature and the peculiarities of the complexation process in the system Ym-Feni-citric acid-ethylene glycol = 1 : 1 : 8.5 : 35 have been studied and compared with those of the earlier studied lanthanide(III or IV)-titanium(IV) citric acid complexes, prepared under the same condi-tions. The mixed-metal nature of the obtained complexes has been shown. In contrast to the analogous lanthanide-titanium system, no deprotonation of the alcoholic OH groups of citric ligands takes place in the course of the formation of Y-Fe complexes

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