Interesi djece i mladih u kontekstu pojavnosti fizičke aktivnosti i sporta


The results of qualitative research aimed at finding personal views of children and youth are presented in this paper. The research was conducted in consideration of children’s surroundings: school, family and local community. The main objectives of the research were to establish main opinions from the children and youth perspective about their generation problems, possibilities, solutions and ideas for these problems and situations. The interests of children were researched (ways of choosing activities of interest and the conditions that influences the selection were identified). The special objective of this research was to gain whether and to what extent the movement and the different aspects of physical activity are included in their overall structure of interest. The target group for this study were children and young people aged 10 to 18 years. According to the spatial location, respondents came from schools of four counties in Croatia. The main research method was focus groups. Eight focus groups were organised with a total number of 83 students, with an individual group comprised of 9 to 12 students. Then result analysis was performed, which included the collection of impressions, careful analysis of sets of transcripts and encoding of each group. Audio recordings were transcribed, and the resulting transcripts were the basis for the qualitative result analysis. Frequency of appearance as well as the percentage of representation of certain codes in the total of transcripts indicated that “interests” were predominantly represented (396, 14.27%). “The problem” as the code in the researched population of students was presented as follows in the series of representationa (302; 10.88%), and followed by “solution” (259; 9.33%) and “ideas” (252; 9.08%). The registered dominant interests of primary school students, observed through the aspect of kinetic activities, showed that the movement gets its own dimension separate from the context of games and entertainment. Also, it was observed exclusively in relations with various organized sporting activities. In the context of the practice of movement and physical activity for secondary school students, the results indicated that the movement and physical activity played a key role in their interests, but practically were not implemented in everyday life.U ovom radu prezentirani su rezultati kvalitativnog istraživanja s ciljem pronalaženja osobnih stavova djece i mladih. Istraživanje je provedeno s obzirom na okolinu u kojoj djeca najčešće borave: školu, obitelj i lokalnu zajednicu. Glavni ciljevi istraživanja bili su utvrditi mišljenje djece i percepciju mladih o njihovim generacijskim problemima, mogućim rješenjima i idejama za rješavanje navedenih problema i situacija. Istraženi su interesi djece (način odabira zanimljive aktivnosti) te su identificirani uvjeti koji utječe na izbor. Poseban cilj ovog istraživanja bio je saznati da li se i u kojoj mjeri kretanje i različiti aspekti tjelesne aktivnosti uključuju u ukupnu strukturu interesa. Uzorak ispitanika činila su djeca i mladi u dobi od 10-18 godina. Prema prostornom položaju, ispitanici su učenici škola četiriju županija u Hrvatskoj. Glavna metoda istraživanja bila je metoda fokus grupa. Organizirano je osam fokus grupa (9 do 12 učenika po grupi) s ukupnim brojem od 83 ispitanika. Audio snimke su transkribirane te je pažljivo analiziran dobiveni set i svaka je skupina kodirana. Nastali transkripti bili su temelj za kvalitativnu analizu rezultata. Učestalost pojavljivanja, kao i postotak zastupljenosti pojedinih kodova u ukupnom rezultatu transkripata ukazuje na pretežitu zastupljenost koda „interesi“ (396; 14,27%). Sljedeći u nizu pojavljuje se kod „problem“ (302; 10,88%), a slijede ga kod "rješenje" (259; 9,33%) i kod "ideja" (252; 9,08%). Registrirani dominantni interesi učenika osnovnih škola, promatrani kroz aspekt kinezioloških aktivnosti, pokazuju da pokret dobiva vlastitu dimenziju odvojenu od konteksta igre i zabave. Također, uočen je isključiv odnos s raznim organiziranim sportskim aktivnostima. U kontekstu kretanja i fizičke aktivnosti rezultati učenika srednjih škola su pokazali da kretanje i fizička aktivnost ima ključnu ulogu u njihovim interesima, ali ih praktično ne provode u svakodnevnom životu

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