The essence of truth is freedom. Heidegger’s concept of the essence of truth in the lecture “The Essence of Truth”


Čovjek, biće koje može misliti o svom bivanju, često unutar granica vlastita mišljenja, biva zapleten u mnijenju i računanju. Ljudi tragaju za istinom, žele je dohvatiti svojim mišljenjem i bivanjem. No zablude nas često dovode u »bijednost približnog znanja i ravnodušnost prema njemu«. Čini se da smo zaboravili istinsko mišljenje, neodvojivo od mišljenja bitka. Martin Heidegger želi nas izbaviti iz zabluda u koje je kroz povijest čovječanstva dospjelo metafizičko mišljenje te postavlja pitanje o biti istine, što ona jest. Nadilazeći mišljenje pukog, običnog razuma, razjašnjava uobičajen pojam istine kao »adaequatio intellectus et rei«, nudeći nam mogućnost mišljenja biti istine kao slobode, ukoliko je shvaćamo kao ispravnost iskaza. Sukladno svom pomalo šokantnom i inovativnom načinu mišljenja, objašnjava odnos biti i ne-biti istine nastojeći nas obratiti od lutanja koje smo započeli unutar vlastita metafizičkog mišljenja. Svako pitanje pretpostavlja odgovor, od čega on u ovom predavanju pomalo uzmiče, ostavljajući nam mjesta za osobna upućivanja u traženje odgovora na postavljeno pitanje: »Što je bit istine?« Navraćajući na cjelovitost mišljenja, podsjeća nas na vječno i neodgovoreno pitanje: »Što je biće kao takvo u cjelini?«, odnosno na pitanje o bitku. Vraćajući se na sam početak mišljenja, upozorava nas da svaka spoznaja, ako je istinita, mora biti mišljena u cjelini bitka.Human being, who is in possibility to think about its being, is frequently intricated in the limits of its own thoughts through the thinking and calculating. People search for the truth; they want to reach it by their thoughts and being. But, delusion often leads us to “misery of approximate knowledge and indifference towards it”. It seems that we have forgotten the true thinking, inseparable of the “thinking of being”. Martin Heidegger wants to take us out of the metaphysical misconception that the history of mankind has brought us and raise the questions about the essence of the truth as it is. Transcending mere, common sense, opinion, he explains usual notion of the truth as “adaequatio intellectus et rei”, offering us the ability to think the essence of the truth as freedom, if it is understood as the correctness of the statement. In accordance with his somewhat shocking and innovative way of thinking he explains the relation between the essence and non-essence of truth, trying to convert us from wondering in our own metaphysical thoughts. Each question assumes an answer, of which he, in this lectures somewhat redraws from, while leaving the space for personal reflection in order to seek an answer to the question: “What is the essence of the truth?”. Referring to the wholeness of the thinking he reminds us on the eternal and unanswered question: “What is the being as such in the wholeness?” i.e. the question of the being. Going back to the beginning of the thinking, he is warning us that any cognition, if it is to be true, has to be thought in the wholeness of the being

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