Kronična mišićno-koštana bol globalni je javnozdravstveni problem s porastom prevalencije unatoč brojnim istraživanjima, sve većem broju farmakoloških i nefarmakoloških postupaka i osnivanju klinika za liječenje boli. Među rizicima od razvoja kronične boli u više su radova izdvojeni: trajanje i intenzitet boli do prvog pregleda, broj bolnih mjesta/regija, depresivno raspoloženje i životna dob. Već u akutnoj fazi valja prepoznati bolesnike s rizikom od kronične boli. Paracetamol, NSAR i tramadol standardna su farmakološka terapija boli. Formalna fizikalna terapija ima ulogu edukacije bolesnika, a kod rezistentne kronične mišićno-koštane boli indicirano je multidisciplinarno rehabilitacijsko liječenje. Mišićno-koštane bolesti najčešći su uzrok kronične nemaligne boli i nesposobnosti, a politopna distribucija boli direktno je povezana s gubitkom funkcionalne sposobnosti i kakvoće života.Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a global public health problem with an increasing prevalence in spite of numerous studies, a growing number of drugs, therapeutic procedures and the establishment of clinics for the treatment of pain. Among the risks for developing chronic pain, several factors have been identified: duration and intensity of pain until the first visit, number of painful regions/sites, depressed mood and life expectancy. The patients with a chronic pain risk should be recognized in the acute phase to prevent chronicity. Paracetamol, NSAIDs and tramadol are standard pharmacological therapies in pain treatment. The role of the supervised physical therapy is that of patient education, and multidisciplinary rehabilitation treatment is indicated in resistant chronic musculoskeletal pain. Musculoskeletal diseases are the most common cause of chronic non-malignant pain and disability, and distribution of pain is directly associated with the loss of functional capacity and reduced quality of life