“Rhythmical stimulations” and early speech and language intervention


Ritmičke stimulacije su terapijski postupak proizašao iz spoja logopedske struke, verbotonalne metode i Labanove teorije pokreta. U Poliklinici SUVAG ritmičke stimulacije provodi logoped-ritmičar na Odsjeku za govorne poremećaje. Analizirajući broj, kronološku dob i logopedske dijagnoze sve djece uključene na ritmičke stimulacije u travnju 2006. godine, izdvojen je uzorak djece mlađe od 4 godine s nedovoljno razvijenim govorom i jezikom u odnosu na kronološku dob. Djeca su analizirana u odnosu na kronološku dob, anamnestičke podatke, uključenost djece u ostale oblike terapije, dosadašnje trajanje terapije i preporuke za daljnje postupke. Navedeni su i organizacijski problemi rada s malom djecom te posebno istaknuta potreba iznalaženja načina za što ranijom edukacijom roditelja i odgojitelja i što pristupačnije savjetovanje, praćenje i terapiju djece nedovoljno razvijenog govora i jezika.“Rhythmical stimulations” is a therapeutic procedure where speech and language therapy, the Verbo-tonal method and the Laban movement theory are used to achieve better verbal and communication skills. In the Polyclinic SUVAG, the “rhythmical stimulations” procedure is conducted by a Speech and Language Pathologist who has also a degree in the “Rhythm and Body Movement”, and works in the Speech and Language Disorders Department. When examining the number and chronological age of all children engaged in the “rhythmical stimulations” in April 2006, the author focused on a sample of children with language impairments under the age of 4 and he analysed their speech and language diagnosis. While creating the sample, the following data were used: chronological age, certain anamnesis data, and the engagement in other types of therapy, the duration of therapy and the recommendations for future therapy. The need for early education of parents and caregivers in kindergartens is also emphasized and within this program, we specifically stress the need for early consulting, monitoring and direct therapy of young children with delayed speech and language development

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