The relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and profit smoothing


Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati neke mehanizme korporativnog upravljanja zadržanom dobiti. U stvari, proučava se odnos između institucijskih investitora, vanjskih članova uprave, internog audita i zadržane dobiti. Formulirana je hipoteza za svaku od ovih opcija te je testiran njihov učinak na zadržanu dobit. Hipoteze su testirane modelom regresije. Među sudionicima su kompanije članovi Tehran Stock Exchange (teheranske Burze) u razdoblju 2000. ÷ 2008. Ispitivani uzorak uključuje 138 kompanija. Odnosi su ispitivani primjenom ekonometrijskog modela i uobičajenih metoda najmanjih kvadrata (OLS). Primijenjena je postupna regresija i Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije kod određivanja prioriteta. Rezultati pokazuju značajno pozitivan odnos u postotku onih koji su vanjski članovi uprave i signifikantno suprotan odnos između internog audita i običnih dionica dioničara te zadržane dobiti. Spearmanov korelacijski test je pokazao da vanjski direktori uprave imaju najveći utjecaj na zadržanu dobit.The present study aims to investigate some mechanisms of corporate governance on profit smoothing. In fact, it studies the relationship between institutional investors, outside board members, internal audit and profit smoothing. A hypothesis was formulated for each of these options and their effect on profit smoothing was tested. A regression model was used to test the hypotheses. Participants include companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange during 2000 ÷ 2008. Studied sample includes 138 companies. Relations were tested using an econometric model and ordinary least squares (OLS). The study used stepwise regression and Spearman correlation coefficient to prioritize. The results indicate a significantly positive relationship between non-executive board percentage and significantly inverse relationship between internal audit and common shareholders’ equity and profit smoothing. Spearman correlation test revealed that outside directors have the highest effect on profit smoothing

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