Electron-microscopic examination of the accessory foramina on the apical of human teeth root region


Akcesorni kanalići daju korijenskom kanalu obilježje vrlo složenog morfološko-anatomskog dijela zuba. U istraživanju smo koristili apekse humanih jednokorijenskih zuba izvađenih iz ortodontskih i pa- rodontoloških razloga. Nakon fiksacije 10%-tnim formalinom, čišćenja 5°/o-tnim natrijevim hipokloritom i dehidracije alkoholom, uzorci su napareni zlatom i promatrani elektronskim mikroskopom. Rezultati pokazuju da su akcesorni kanalići u apikalnoj regiji korijena zuba pravilo, a ne izuzetak. Redovito se mogu zapaziti 3 do 4 veća otvora promjera od 100 do 250 um i veliki broj manjih otvora promjera od 10 do 60 lim, Dio manjih otvora je pokazivao znakove zatvaranja cementnom supstancijom. Akcesorni kanalići poboljšavaju opskrbu krvlju zdravog zuba, ali kod oboljenja pulpe i endodontskog liječenja mogu biti dodatni problem, komplicirati liječenje i učestvovati u njegovom neuspjehu.The accessory canals make the root canal a very complex anatomico- -morphological part of a tooth. In this study, apices of human single- -root teeth extracted for orthodontic or periodontologic reasons were used. Following fixation with 10% formalin, cleaning with 5% sodium hypochlorite and alcohol dehydration, the samples were evaporated with gold and observed by scanning electron microscop. The results obtained have shown that the accessory canals in the root apical region are by no means exceptions, but occur as a rule. Three to four major orifices of 100—250 ¡.im in diameter and a large number of minor foramina of 10-60 Am could be generally seen. Some of the minor foramina revealed the signs of closure with a cement substance. Accessory canals improve the health tooth perfusion, but in the di-sease affecting the pulp as well as in the endodontic tratment they may present an additional problem, make the treatment more compli-cated and even contribute to its failure

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