[The dimensions of permanent molars in the population of Zagreb]


Odontometrijska istraživanja provedena su na 937 gornjih i donjih trajnih molara populacije Zagreba i okolice na 197 maceriranih preparata iz osteoolške zbirke Zavoda za anatomiju »Drago Perović« Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Mjereni zubi su svrstani u skupine prema njihovom anatomsko- topografskom mjestu, a bilo ih je 643 gornjih i 294 donjih . Mjereni su meziodistalni i vestibulolingvalni diametri. Rezultati mjerenja pokazuju slijedeće iznose: a) meziodistalni diametri, M1 10.49, M 2 9.48, M 3 8.64, M i 11.09, M 2 10.59, M 3 10.24 mm; b) vestibulolingvalni diametri, M 1 11.32, M 2 11.29, M 3 10.91, Mt 10.31, M 2 10.05, M 3 9.75 mm .Nakon provedenih mjerenja i komparacije s analognim vrijednostima drugih populacija zaključeno je da vrijednosti meziodistalnih i vestibulolingvalnih diametara gornjih i donjih molara odgovaraju srednjim vrijednostima poznatim za bijelu rasu, uz lagano izraženi seksualni dimorfizam .Odontometric research was made on 937 upper and lower permanent molars on the population of Zagreib and its surroundings, in 197 macerated specimen from the osteological collection of the Anatomy department, »Drago Perović«, at the Medical Faculty in Zagreb. The measured teeth were classified in groups according to their anatomical-topograiphical place, there were 643 upper amd 294 lower. The mesiodistal and vestibulolingual diameter was measured. The results of the measuring show the following amounts: a) mesiodistal diameters, M1 10.49, M29.48, M3 8.64, M, 11.09, M2 10.59, M3 10.24 mm; b) vestibulolingual diameters, M1 11.32, M2 11.29, M3 10.91, Mi 10.31, M2 10.05, M3 9.75 mm. After the measuring and comparison with the analogical values of other populations, it is concluded that the values of mesiodistal and vestibulolingual diaimeters of the upper and lower molars correspond to the middle values known for the white race, with slightly marked sexual dimorphysm

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