Erfahrungen mit kortikosteroid-antibiotischen Präparaten in der Endodontie


U višegodišnjem radu u Zavodu za dentalnu patologiju Stomatološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu, autori su ispitivali mogućnosti koritosteroid-antibiotskog preparata u suvremenom endodontskom tretmanu oboljele pulpe. Budući da ovi preparati imaju dva svojstva: antiflogističko i antibakterijsko, postoji osnova za njihovu primjenu u različitim oboljenjima zubne pulpe. Tim preparatima kod hiperemije i pulpitisa, naročito u bitnim intervencijama pacijenta brzo i efikasno rješavamo boli. U slijedećem posjetu kod pulpitisa je neophodno izvršiti biopulpektomiju totalis. U toku tretmana gangrene pulpe sa periapeksnim promjenama ili bez njih, kortikosteroid-antibiotski preparat je također pokazao dobra svojstva. Zaključno autori smatraju da taj preparat mogu preporučiti u suvremenim endodontskim tretmanima, ali uz strogu indikaciju i točnu dijagnozu.The authors have investigated the possibilities of applying corticosteroid-antibiotics in the course of modern endodontic treatment for a diseased dental pulp, doing research work over a number of years at the Institute for Dental Pathology of the Faculty of Dentistry in Zagreb. Since these drugs have two properties, i. e. the antiphlogistic and the antibacterial effect, possibilities exist for their application in different diseases of the dental pulp. Particularly in urgent interventions have these drugs proved effective in killing pain quickly and efficaciously in patients suffering from hyperemia and pulpitis. Biopulpectomy totalis must inevitably be carried out at the next visit to the dentist. In the course of the treatment of gangrene of the pulp with or without periapical changes, corticosteroid-antibiotics have also shown good results. Concluding, the authors consider that corticosteroid-antibiotics therapy may be recommended in modern endodontic treatment but with strict indications and only in cases where a precise diagnosis has previously been made.In mehrjähriger Arbeit haben die Autoren die Möglichkeit der Behandlung der erkrankten Pulpa mit kortikosteroid-antibiotischen Präparaten gerprüft. Die antiphlogistischen und antibakteriellen Eigenschaften dieser Präparate ergeben die Grundlagen für ihre Anwendung bei verschiedenen Pulpaerkramkungen. Bei Hyperämie und Pulpitis wirken sie rasch und sicher schmerzstillend, insbesondere bei akuten Interventionen. Bei Pulpitis muss unbedingt in der folgenden Visite die totale Biopulpektomie ausgeführt werden. Bei der Behandlung der gangränösen Pulpa, mit oder ohne periapikalen Veränderungen, sind diese Präparate auch von guter Wirkung. Zusammenfassend sind die Autoren der Meinung, dass diese Präparate für die zeitgemässe endodontische Behandlung, unter strenger Indikation und genauer Diagnose, empfohlen werden können

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