Zaštitni učinci resveratrola od oštećenja ljudskih endotelnih stanica koronarne arterije izazvanog vodikovim peroksidom in vitro


Oxidative stress is defined as imbalance between the production and destruction of reactive oxygen species. The aim of this study was to investigate whether resveratrol could protect human endothelial cells against hydrogen peroxide damage in vitro. In this in vitro study on human coronary endothelial cells, the effects of resveratrol on the glutathione content in human coronary endothelial cells in vitro were evaluated with high performance liquid chromatography. The effects of resveratrol on protein expression of the glutamate cysteine ligase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes were evaluated with the Western blot method. Resveratrol increased the reduced glutathione contents significantly (p<0.05). Resveratrol increased protein expression of the glutamate cysteine ligase, glutathione peroxidase-1 and glutathione reductase enzymes (p<0.05). All data supported each other and suggested that resveratrol had a protective effect against human coronary artery endothelial cell damage. It is thought that these results could pave the way to the new therapeutic approaches to protect against oxidative stress that develops in cardiovascular diseases.Oksidativni stres definira se kao neravnoteža između nastanka i razgradnje reaktivnih kisikovih vrsta. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti može li resveratrol zaštititi ljudske endotelne stanice od oštećenja vodikovim peroksidom in vitro. U ovoj in vitro studiji na endotelnim stanicama koronarne arterije učinci resveratrola na sadržaj glutationa određeni su visokotlačnom tekućinskom kromatografijom. Učinci resveratrola na ekspresiju proteina enzima glutamat cistein ligaze, glutation peroksidaze-1 i glutation reduktaze određeni su metodom Western blot. Resveratrol je statistički značajno povećao sadržaj reduciranog glutationa (p<0,05). Resveratrol je povećao i ekspresiju proteina enzima glutamat cistein ligaze, glutation peroksidaze-1 i glutation reduktaze (p<0,05). Svi dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju da resveratrol ima zaštitni učinak od oštećenja endotelnih stanica koronarne arterije. Rezultati ove studije daju smjernice prema novim terapijskim pristupima koji bi se rabili za zaštitu od oksidativnog stresa koji se razvija u bolestima krvožilnog sustava

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