Commuter Exposure to Hazardous Air Pollutants in a Highly Polluted Area


[[abstract]]本研究以實際模擬採樣分析等方式,針對不同通勤路線及運具,探討通勤族 群之揮發性有機物(VOCs)、粒狀污染物(PM)之暴露情況,探究其高屏地區居 民通勤過程之空氣污染物暴露特性。本研究結果顯示,進入高雄市區後,機車騎 士PM2.5 暴露平均值增加,濃度變異幅度大。車外量測PM2.5 值於同步量測機車騎 士暴露值接近,各路段PM2.5 形成瞬間高濃度經採樣錄影影像分析,發現主要因素 以前方有汽車、交通擁擠、前方有柴油車所佔比例最高,此外,於民族路段影像 分析結果發現,機車騎士停留時間之暴露量與停留時間及車輛數有線性關係(R2 = 0.76)。本研究於不同路線PM2.5 暴露經比較後,結果發現機車騎士暴露濃度最高 為林園-高雄路線(143 μg/m3),最低為屏東-高雄路線(93 μg/m3),汽車駕駛暴露 濃度為高速/快速道路路線最高(80 μg/m3),岡山-高雄路線暴露最低(28 μg/m3)。 PM2.5 暴露濃度最高為機車,公車次之,開車及火車暴露較低。在單位通勤距離PM2.5 暴露量方面,機車騎士以岡山-高雄路線最高(3.1 μg/km),汽車駕駛為林園-高雄 路線最高(1.2 μg/km)。火車乘客所受暴露量為最低。 不同路線VOCs 濃度暴露比較後,發現都會區路線暴露濃度高於農業區路線, 機車騎士於楠梓、岡山、屏東及林園至高雄等都會區路線之苯濃度平均超過50 μg/m3,楠梓-高雄路段機車騎士於上下午通勤時段苯平均暴露濃度達106 μg/m3, 而潮州-美濃之農業區路線平均濃度為40 μg/m3。使用不同交通工具採樣經比較後, VOCs 暴露濃度方面,機車騎士MTBE、苯、甲苯暴露最高,火車乘客暴露最低。 於尖峰時段,機車通勤族群之苯的單位通勤距離暴露量以岡山-高雄路線(3.5 μg/km)最高,潮州-美濃路線最低(0.8 μg/km)。汽車駕駛苯的暴露量以岡山-高雄 路線最高(1.5 μg/km),高速/快速道路最低(0.3 μg/km)。[[abstract]]Abstract This study conducted to understand the commuter exposures to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (PM) on different commuting routes in a highly polluted area Four commuting modes including car motorcycle train and bus were chosen for evaluation in Kao-Pin area Air samples of VOCs were collected using multiple sorbent tubes followed by thermal desorption-capillary GC/MS analyses Real-time laser photometric aerosol monitors were used for the determination of PM2 5 mass concentrations of short-term commuting trips Air sampling processes were recorded by video cameras for image analyses The average PM2 5 levels inside car cabin were generally 30-60 % of the measurements outside cabin Based on the results of video image analyses major influences on the levels of PM2 5 on commuter’s exposures included traffic condition diesel engine emission and traffic light waiting The PM2 5 exposure during traffic light waiting periods were strongly correlated with waiting time and vehicle number (R2 = 0 76) on Minzu road The highest PM2 5 exposure levels for motorcycle drivers were found on Linyuan-Kaohsiung route while the highest PM2 5 exposure levels for car drivers were measured on highway route The results indicate that MTBE and toluene were the most abundant VOCs observed while commuting in this area followed by xylenes benzene and ethylbenzene The VOCs exposure levels measured in Kaohsiung metropolitan area were higher than that for agricultural area The average benzene exposure levels for motorcyclist were higher than 50 μg/m3 while commuting on metropolitan area The highest exposure levels for VOCs and PM2 5 were found for motorcyclists while lowest levels were measured in train cabin

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